Governing Document Vote!

Ballot Packages for the governing document update have been distributed to home owners via hand delivery if you reside in Shadow Brook and via US mail to your address on file if you are an off-site homeowner. We are looking to have 100% participation and return of the ballots so that we can close out this project with governing documents that have been updated to current governing law and statutes. If you have not received your ballot package, please reach out to me, at to get a replacement ballot package.

As we mentioned to those homeowners we were able to speak to, it is very important that we vote FOR all 3 documents and enclose the ballot into the inner white envelope, seal, then place in the outer yellow envelope, seal and sign the outside of the yellow envelope. Ballots can either be dropped off to the address on the front of the yellow envelope or can be mailed with a postage stamp to the address provided. Ballot should be returned by April 4th. If we cannot get the required votes in the affirmative, we will need to take this to a court of law to pass, which will require a special assessment – at additional cost to the each homeowner. So we are asking that everyone please do their best to complete your ballots in the affirmative (i.e. checking the FOR box), and returning your ballots as soon as possible. Thank you to our volunteers who delivered the ballot packages and thank you in advance to all our homeowners for voting and paying attention to this important governance update.


Meera Desai
Shadow Brook HOA and Swim Club

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