Posada reenactment and celebration
Posada reenactment and celebration
If you are interested, schedule an appointment at the CVS on Almaden Expwy. CVS offers $5 of $25 coupon per vaccine.
CVS is offering Vaccine Clinic at Shadow Brook Pool.
This Sunday Nov. 17th from 10am to Noon.
For those who are interested please, email Zeina at:
the following information:
1. Full name
2. Vaccine(s) they are interested in receiving
3. Insurance provider
Additionally, fill out the CVS consent form and bring it with you.
For the full notice click here. The meeting info:
Date & Time: October 30, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Almaden Country School
Fisher Event Center
6835 Trinidad Dr., San Jose, CA
Joining via Zoom:
ID: 85362051049
(US) +1 929-205-6099
passcode: 948556
As we have only received 5 official nominations for the 6 open Board positions we have extended the nominating form submission deadline to November 25 to comply with the 90 day call for nomination timeline per the statute (CA Civil Code section 5103). If, as of the published deadline for receiving nominations, the number of qualified candidates for election to the Board is not more than the number of directors to be elected, as determined by the Inspector of Elections, then per the statute (CA Civil Code section 5103) the qualified candidates may be declared elected by acclamation.
If you wish to submit a nomination form (PDF, Docx), please contact the Inspector of Elections Don Hale at: elections@nullshadowbrook.org
There will be a Shadow Brook Board Meeting on October 9th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The Meeting will be held via Zoom. Continue reading